Why is it that the writing that puts itself in the hands of its ability to beguile emotions so rarely deals with them with notable creativity or depth?
- i love you
- i love you punditto

(i have doubts about whether this is comprehensible; usually that's a reason to continue rewriting. however, this time there are reasons to comment outside:
  • obviously, it's a reification of the unavoidable lovetalk pattern
  • too equals ditto
  • pun is here to propose a view of i love you too as not only a cliche reply but also a wordplay/variation of the initial declaration.
  • finally, somewhere in the background there is pundit entailed from pun bandit - a tonal proposition if nothing else)


topographical features of good intentions

the high road is paved for high horses on high hills

poet in white, volume 5

locomotif Potemkin
moonwheels self-propelled along the tango tracks

appointive piantao, piantao
battleship manilow in pentimento
the happy weapon is the face (of the monkey on the back) of the intellectual arsenal

to dan brown

Theme Parking Lotto San Pietro
echo friendly Average Beverage - potable simplicity in an infinite self-recycling loop
Fiction, like travel, traffics incessant change of scenery, and lateral confinement that accompanies it. Even an extraordinary journey is also a petrifying misadventure.
flawlessly balanced fairy of the training suit and magically confused aspirations
the open casket ceremony couldn't have been more beautiful if a rainbow came over the dumpster

The Swan Song (motion picture musical)

A world-class symphony orchestra is performing on a stage-size ice floe drifting in the middle of a northern sea.

The ice pack starts to break up, splitting the orchestra into smaller and smaller groupings. An overhead camera travels from one melting block of ice to the next, capturing the music and the drama.
turtle: circle left to its own devices

grammatology ringtone

Something happens to the author; something happens to the text; to the readers, things happen all the time. Phenomena here, there, and everywhere - as easy happy flows into the ocean of mystical drool.

Invention is an event, it has participants who are agents with intentions. And nobody is excused, and nothing is excusable.
read my book
suck my fire
where there's rhyme there's dick